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Cosmetic Surgery and Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty seeks a fine balance between shapes, volumes and proportions with a view to creating a more harmonious and more attractive face.

In these sketches we can see how a receding chin and brow can make the nose look more prominent without a real change in the volume and shape of the nose having occurred. To facilitate an understanding of these assessments, we may refer to the concepts of beauty and especially the beauty of the face.

Objective Beauty Pertains to those features which have been accepted by most people as particularly “beautiful” and stand for objective beauty (e.g. facial features of Elisabeth Taylor, Monica Bellucci, etc.), and in great part are considered as our guidelines. 

When a plan is set up to improve a blemish (image study) the cosmetic surgeon will take inspiration from concepts of objective beauty to find the right proportions without upsetting a facial structure, making it natural to respect the patient’s personality (most often in fact, a face is more natural after correction, compared to the original face).

The surgeon discusses the results of the plan with the patient, so as to adopt the features or those details which are most pleasing, and which is very important if not fundamental. The result must be pleasing first of all to the patient!

Some examples of the aspects considered during the image study:

  • the frontal nose angle: it is advisable to make the frontal nose angle fall exactly in line with the internal corner of the eye, so as to place the eyes in the right perspective and accurately define the point in which the forehead ends and where the nose begins. If this angle is slightly lowered, the face will take on a sweet and feminine expression; on the contrary if raised, it will give the face a harder, masculine expression;
  • the form of the upper lip and tip of the nose must be very similar to the form of the lower lip and chin.
  • as to the front view instead, the nose surface will take on a shape which seems to start from the eyebrows going down regularly to open slightly around the tip. The width of the nose tip is given by the dimensions of the cupid arch of the upper lip.

The subjective study of the image has to be accompanied by an undoubtedly aesthetic sense and artistic abilities; fundamental features combined with technical skills will result in good cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Rubens Giorgio Mattioli | RHINOLOGY S.a.s. P.IVA 08341250960